Green Coffee Harvest & Processing
Origin: Ethiopia
Region: SNNPR
Zone: Gedeo
District: Gedeb
Wet Mill: Asgori
Variety: Wolisho and Dega
Altitude: 2,00 – 2,280 m a.s.l
Soil Type: Fertile, Redbrown
Farmers Contributed for the Lot: 562
Harvesting Period: December – January
Processing Method: Washed and Natural
Yitagesu Bulbula built his wet mill in 2018 with the hope of reaching out to purchasing exclusively red cherries from the nearby farmers at the mountains of Banko Gotiti. His ambition became a reality after completion of the project. Yitagesu is a native of Yirgacheffee town; he started his journey to the coffee industry 17 years ago and still describes it as a success built on a strong foundation of relationships with the community. Yitagesu Bulbula is a now vertically integrated supplier of Origin Land Coffee.
The wet mill collects ripe coffee cherries from the nearby farmers in the Asgori and Lekicha villages then pulp them all collectively during the night. The coffee then ferments for 48-72 hours after making sure the mucilage is totally removed then the coffee goes through the washing channel which will be well soaked and washed before dried on a raised african drying bed for about 9 days.
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